7 ways to build positive relationships with cold B2B prospects

‘People buy people’ is the single most important mantra that sales teams must adhere to if they want to achieve long term success.

Why cold calling is the worst form of business development

There’s a reason that nearly everyone hates cold calling – it is the fastest way to alienate people against your business.

Email marketing is for your customers, not your prospects

Email might be the way that business gets done, but it definitely isn’t the way to generate leads.

Outbound sales doesn’t have to be invasive

The ‘never-take-no-for-an-answer’ days of selling are a thing of the past. The modern salesperson needs humility, brains and respect.

The art of successful business development
B2B sales often revolve around a complex, nuanced value proposition. The ability for sellers to communicate that value effectively should never be underestimate...