The art of successful business development

B2B sales often revolve around a complex, nuanced value proposition. The ability for sellers to communicate that value effectively should never be underestimated.

  • 23 June 2019
  • Wonder Leads
  • Insight

Business Development is a tough profession. It doesn’t just require the ability to sell, it requires the individual to have a fundamental grasp of the value that the company delivers.

It is frustrating, therefore, that business development professionals are generally forced to rely on prospecting techniques that end up undermining the very value they work so hard at communicating.

The phone is the most popular tool for outbound sales approaches, but saying it is a rather blunt instrument is a massive underestimation.

You might have the time and determination to call 17 times just to connect with the right person, but do you think they will be happy to listen? What will be their state of mind when you do get lucky and start that conversation? Are they ready to hear from you? Have they stopped working on the urgent project they need to finish today or finished the report in time for their morning meeting? Will it make their life easier to park all of those immediate priorities to engage in a conversation with you?

To get the most out of business development, it should be treated with the same care and attention that is put into the products and services that you sell. It should demonstrate empathy with the prospect and genuine respect for their time. It should communicate real value – value that matters and you believe in. It should reflect the quality of your products and instil confidence in your business. Above all, it should build positive human relationships. Why? Because people buy people.

That is the reason we developed Wonder Leads. A positive methodology that befits the art of business development. Instead of a hammer, Wonder Leads is the equivalent of a surgeon’s knife. It utilises strategy, intelligence, value creation and a fundamental appreciation of human relationships. More than that, it really, really works.

So, next time you’re wondering how to improve your business development success rates, make sure you take a good hard look at your toolbox first. You’ll be amazed at what happens when you pick the right tool for the job.